Best Things to Do on Your Trip to California - by Wandering Earl
This guys is so fun to follow (we love him) He’s always off on a great trip and has even better than great advice - check this one out.
Home to nearly 40 million people, California is a sprawling state that’s even bigger than England. And given its varied landscape, you definitely will not run out of things to do on your California trip. There are endless beaches, sprawling vineyards, lush farmlands, incredible deserts, charming villages and bustling metropolises. On any given day, there’s a wide variety of activities waiting for you to do, from surfing to hiking and even rollercoaster riding! Given the many options, deciding what to do on your trip is no easy task.
So to make things easier for you, here’s a list of the best things to do on your trip to California, whether you are visiting for the first time or have been there many times before. - READ FULL BLOG